About Us
We work with focusing on the right solution principle based on your needs.
Sinax has been an active and distinctive player in the insect protection industry since 1993.
The products are made on more than 2500m² of business space and are exported to more than 20 countries.
A great deal is invested in advertising and commerce and Sinax is known at all national and international trade fairs. Partly because of this, Sinax has succeeded in becoming a generic brand.
Sinax distinguishes itself by producing high-quality insect protection for healthier living conditions and better workplaces, creating a hygienic and relaxed atmosphere without damaging nature and without adversely affecting the ozone layer. In short: Sinax produces logical solutions with its systems without disturbing the ecological balance.
Our specialized R&D department has developed a particularly high-quality product that is the result of many years of experience.
Sinax Europe has existed since mid-2018 and has the ambition to distribute the very high-quality and innovative products of Sinax across Western Europe.
Our mission
We strive for complete satisfaction and trust of our customers, which this is our top priority. We also want to use our knowledge as efficiently as possible to ensure that our products and service are of the highest standard.
Our vision
To maintain our leading position in the production and sale of insect repellent, we give our customers full confidence with our Sinax products and, where necessary, we will strengthen ourselves to become one of the most in-demand brands in the world.
Our values
Reliable, solution-oriented, creative, innovative and entrepreneurial.